

From curating aesthetics and resources to creating spaces to fit every client’s individual needs, interior design is truly a craft––and BDG has the inside scoop on exactly how it’s done. Here are 13 exclusive trade secrets from our hand-picked PRELUDE X Master Designers. 获取更多资源的QR码, 在PRELUDE X数字版中查看此功能 在这里!




“我们喜欢寻找将古董融入我们的设计项目的方法. A mix of old and new requires finding a balance between preserving the historic charm of the antique piece while also adapting it to fit modern functionality and aesthetics. 在我们的郊区静修项目中, we added antique chairs to the dining room that needed to be modified to fit the height of a traditional table. 和一个专业的工匠一起工作, 我们创造了与现有设计完美匹配的腿的扩展. 一个小小的商业秘密,真的很有用."

(摄影师:Jessica Delaney)




"The Blakely philosophy is rooted in a bold approach to design and an uncompromising commitment to an elevated project experience. 通过合作和领导, our experienced team of creatives serves as your true project partner each step of the way, 提供周到的解决方案和高度个性化的服务. Our client-acclaimed signature process allows us to get to know you on a profound level to create a design that considers how you’ll live in every square foot. The result is a distinctive, intentionally designed home that focuses on function as much as form."

(摄影师:Greg Premru)


Jocelyn Chiappone, Digs Design


"I want all my spaces to deliver a sense of fun and the best way to do that is with an unexpected element, 这是一个令人惊讶的声明, 这样房间就更上一层楼了. My trick when layering bold color and textiles is balance - I offset the statement pieces with quieter moments and use vintage furnishings and natural materials to ground the color. We add in fun pops of color for personality and elements of surprise to the design without disturbing the flow of the main living areas."

(摄影师:Greg Premru)

Eric Haydel Design
Eric Haydel


"A designer’s best friends are always their trade sources; even sources like Stark Carpet, 谁提供现代和传统的地毯和地毯的方法. Often to work within our clients’ budgets, we will take Stark’s wide band carpets & have them cut to size while binding or 修剪ming the edges with a contrasting cotton or leather edge to achieve a “just for your home” look. 加入传统的, contemporary and even a little artistic under your feet will add to the personality of your home."





“每个人对混合模式的容忍度都不同. Some people like the cacophony of an eclectic and busy mix; others prefer something more calming. 一个安全的经验法则:在一个房间里,你可以混合一种几何图案, 一个小鳞片或条纹, 还有一个有机的(花的), 佩斯利, 等.)在你的地毯、室内装潢、枕头和窗帘中. 拥有一个能带来平和感的家, 快乐和表达是美好生活的宝贵财富."

(摄影:Michael J. 克里斯滕·弗朗西斯(Kirsten Francis)




"We believe the most enduring and successful design projects are the result of a collaboration between a trusting client, 一个开放和经验丰富的设计团队, 和重要的贸易伙伴. 好的设计总是共同创造的. 我们认真倾听客户的需求, 希望, 并祝愿并鼓励他们分享灵感和想法. Client participation in the design development process allows us to present highly detailed designs customized to their taste and lifestyle. 这种开放的沟通和合作精神也延伸到我们的贸易人员身上, 工匠, 和制造商. 这些有价值的合作伙伴是HVD众所周知的定制工作的幕后推手."

(摄影师:Michael J. 李)



“这是你的家. 不要害怕展示你的个人风格……”

“我们的设计团队从倾听开始每个项目. 你喜欢什么?? 你希望你的空间给人什么样的感觉? 在一起, we explore design concepts and create a personalized solution that exceeds your expectations. Our clients loved blue so in this kitchen project we paired glossy lacquer with contemporary walnut cabinetry. 右边的家庭住宅, 我们将客户对颜色的热爱贯穿始终, from the dining area with bold artwork and a wallpapered ceiling to their child’s room with wallpaper that mimics the home’s water views."

(摄影师:Jared Kuzia)

Kate Coughlin室内设计 



“我们工作中最好的部分是与值得信赖的客户合作. 每个房间都需要惊喜. It’s those things that a client might initially struggle with, which end up making the room. 我们的测试总是,‘我们真的喜欢它吗?和“我们想住在那里吗??'"

(摄影师:Sarah Winchester)




"My designs are timeless yet unique for each client to reflect their individuality and lifestyle. 每个空间的灵感都来自于客户自己, with the intended functionality for the space as the driving force for the design process. 记住这些关键因素, I start the process of layering textures and patterns and balancing colors in each space. Antique writing slopes are some of my “go-to” pieces as they add a bit of history that works with any design style."

(摄影师:Michael J. 李)

Robin Gannon室内设计 

Robin gannon室内设计


"At Robin Gannon室内设计, we are all about layered, intelligent design with a nod to the past. 正如我们的设计所反映的那样,我们从层次上考虑空间. 每一层都是前一层的补充,创造出丰富和深度. 这很像我们的生活:我们的经历, 利益, 激情, 旅行造就了我们成为什么样的人. 我们认为你的家应该反映出这一点! 玩弄颜色和纹理, 新旧结合——这就是我们如何创造真正永恒的空间."

(摄影师:Michael J. 李)



“Work within a limited non-neutral color palette to create spaces that pack a punch but still evoke a sense of serenity…”

“设计一个放松的房间并不意味着你不能使用颜色和图案. In this Primary Bedroom, we’ve applied a beautiful coral wallcovering to give the room personality. 我们用明快的白色和柔和的色调来平衡它, 所以有一种一致性和秩序感. 你不需要使用单色调色板来达到这种整体的感觉, 而, 在整个色轮的一个狭窄的饱和度范围内工作. It will help your room maintain a serene feeling and allow for an easy and playful mixing of patterns and textures. 结果是:一个独特而前卫的主卧室."

(摄影师:Tria Giovan)




“当你有一个拥有引人注目的艺术品收藏的客户, 让它作为设计的跳板. 通过选择优质木制品和饰面,精心规划室内空间, 你允许每件艺术品在保留经典的同时有一个受人尊敬的地方, 海滨避暑别墅的舒适感觉. 本杰明·摩尔的《彩票365官方网站》帮助创造了这种和谐的安排, 画在墙上, 修剪, 以及起居空间的天花板. 这种统一的画布让艺术引领道路,并有助于确保我们的构图."

(摄影师:Nat Rea)



“Blend classic design with contemporary colors and patterns to create a fresh and timeless feeling…”

“我喜欢将经典风格与更现代的色彩搭配在一起, art or fabrics - Many of our projects are secondary vacation homes that are built for families of all different ages to gather and entertain. We specialize in creating homes that are not only beautiful and a reflection of each client’s lifestyle, but also homes that are meant to appeal to all ages and become a special place for families and friends to create memories in for generations to come."

(摄影师:Jessica Delaney)

